Goddess Trish is going to cause slave elihu a great amount of pain and suffering for her pleasure. She pulls the slave over her knee and starts spanking him hard with her open palm. She warms his ass nicely, giving him spank after spank until his cheeks are glowing red from her touch. Knowing what a seasoned slave elihu is Trish mixes in some very heavy handed spanks with more rhythmic spanks to try and get a rise from the calm sub who suffers in stillness. Despite elihus calmness it is clear that the slaves ass is quite tender after dozens of open handed spanks from his Mistress. She takes the opportunity of a sore ass to amplify that suffering quite a bit with some implements. Using a variety of canes n other toys Trish gives him a little taste of what is to come as she hits him a dozen or so times with each toy to gauge which ones get the best, painful, rise from her slave. The sjambok, the rawhide cane, a thin rattan cane, a carbon fiber rod, a thick plexiglass cane, and her belt are all used to tease some suffering from his ass. Trish smiles with anticipation as she continues to pain his ass a little bit more with some open handed spanks before she decides that it is time to give slave elihu the corporal punishment beating that she desires. The slave is placed on the bench so that fetish_femdom . org Trish can use the leverage of her body 2 maximize the pain that he feels with each and every implement. Trish lays into the slaves flesh using her belt to cause instant painful welting n bruising. She winds up each blow to utilize her powerful muscles to really wallop the slaves already tender ass. Then comes the thick, inch wide, thudding plexiglass cane. The force of the cane makes the slaves skin buckle beneath its strikes. Next is the sjambok. Always a hard implement to take. Trish uses it roughly, swinging with great force n passion so as to make her slave react from the blows. After several dozen mean hits with the sjambok it is time for a variety strokes from a unyielding cane covered in leather. Trish using the powerful punch of this cane to make the poor sub squirm in pain as his ass bruises become even more evident and even more painful with each hit. Once he has been nicely deeply bruised with this implement Trish moves to the thin cutting rattan cane. She hits him hard and fast, again maximizing his pain and suffering. Just when slave elihu does not think that it can get worse Trish pulls out the final two thin agonizingly cutting implements–a carbon fiber rod and a rawhide cane. She savors the slaves dread and his pain as she lays into him with the carbon fiber rod. Clearly pleased at how much she can hurt her slave with this toy Trish utilizes it well. She covers the slaves ass in agonizing strike after strike. Then, saving the best for last, Trish begins laying into his with the rawhide cane. The ripping into his flesh that this cane produces, amplified by Trishs merciless full force swings, is severe. The poor slave can barely contain himself as Trish cuts into his skin with each and every stroke. She holds him down with her combat boot on his back so that she can continue to beat him raw until she is finally satiated with his pain and suffering.
Date: May 8, 2022
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