Gena has really gone and done it this time. She has spent her hard-earned money on frivolous clothing instead of important University books and clothes. The latest purchase is an expensive silk polka-dot dress that has her step-mother glaring at her in disbelief! She has already been spoken to about this before. Step-Mom is very upset and decides that a stronger form of discipline is needed since a previous stern scolding hasnt worked. She takes the naughty young lady over her lap for a hard hand spanking. Gena wiggles and kicks so much that she is then held in place with a firm leg lock from step-mom. How embarrassing must it feel to have step-moms strong legs keeping her in place as the punishment continues. Then Gena is spanked with the wooden hairbrush which really gets the message through to her as her poor bottom gets welted and speckled with reddening bruises. Gena is one very sore and sorry young madam who will not be spending her money on fancy clothing anymore.
Date: May 11, 2022
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