Adriana has been the worst kind of hotel guest; loud, messy, and rude! There have been multiple complaints from the staff and fed up guests. The General Manager, Miss Bernadette, knows the best method to deal with a rotten, spoiled brat of this nature is with a spanking. So Adriana is taken over the hotel managers lap for a much-needed lesson of respect… the good old fashioned way. However, during her punishment, Adriana is moving and wriggling around so much that the manager restrains the brat with a firm leg lock so she can finish spanking her properly. The poor wretch really knows she has been disciplined when a hairbrush is used on her sore, aching cheeks. She is left to contemplate her actions and is told that if she wants to stay in this hotel, she will learn to be respectful to others.
Date: May 18, 2022
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