Sapphire is enjoying a nice shower alone, so she thinks. Her roommate keeps spying on her. We cant blame him. This girl is perfect. Pretty face, huge tits, amazing booty, and perfect body. A total fucking dime. She catches him while shes naked and tries to leave the room. He pulls out his dick and starts to masturbate. At first shes nervous, but then she sees how big his dick is, and her mouth basically starts to drool. She knows she wants to taste it. She starts to give him an amazing blowjob before he fucks her perfect tits. She eats his ass like its dinner time and then they start to fuck hard in multiple positions. This girl is a freak, she likes it all. She gets spanked, slapped, and choked until she lets out multiple orgasms all over his dick. He shoots out a huge load and she slurps it all up.
Date: May 19, 2022
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