How many times have I told you to stop staring at the internet and get to studying? This is the last time you bring home a bad report card for me. No. Strip. Go on, do it. You aren�t too old for a spanking. I want you to look me in the eye. I want you to be ashamed.Ohohoh, what�s this? An erection? My goodness I did not raise you to behave like this! No, I simply must embarrass you further. I want you to masturbate. That�s right, I want you to rub one out in front of your Mommy. No, not like that. Do I have to tell you how to do everything? No, you are going to rub one out for me, and then I am going to fit you in this nifty little chastity device to make sure you don�t lose focus again. If you pull straight As I might let you out.TABOO, CHASTITY, MOMMAS BOY, JERK OFF INSTRUCTION, JOI, FEMDOM POVPrice: $9.99 USDAdded: 5/28/17
Date: May 26, 2022
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