When we found out that the very beautiful Carly wanted to audition to be in a Strictly English video but had never ever been spanked, we could not resist the chance to film a beautiful girl actually getting her first ever spanking. This is a 100% genuine first time spanking – just as it actually happened. After being shown some short clips from previous productions, Carly changed into school uniform and placed herself across Adams lap. Her white school knickers had just come down when (just to make things more interesting) the proceedings were interrupted by the arrival of Debbie – two hours late – as usual. It was suggested that Debbie temporarily take Carlys place for being so late. After a brisk bare bottom spanking, Adam decided to save his hand for later, and told Debbie to spank herself. Not satisfied with her efforts he then gave her a wicked looking bath brush to use on herself. Debbie did her best but Adam was still not satisfied and took over the proceedings. Then it was Carlys turn to find out finally just what it feels like to be spanked. Adam started very gently and built the severity and pace bit by bit until Carlys bottom turned from white to pink to a deep crimson. During the chat that followed Debbie recounted her own first (true) experience. At school she was frequently sent to the headmaster to be caned on her hands until she was sent to him once too often and he told her that the only way he was going to get through to her was to cane her on her bottom. He gave her twelve of the best whilst being held in position by the Headmistress. Adam liked this story so much that he persuaded Debbie to act out a re-inaction of it (with Carly as the headmistress). After this scene, Debbie got slightly more than she bargained for when Adam showed her what he would have done if he had been her headmaster!
Date: July 9, 2022
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