1: Saturday Morning Spanking
Kitty knew she was in for a spanking when her mother angrily told her that they would be having a talk the next morning. The night before, Kitty had turned on her TV at 3 AM and awakened her mother. This was not the first time.
Kitty meekly arrived to this meeting only to find her fears of a spanking correct. After a brief conversation, she was taken over her mother’s lap, her PJ bottoms were taken down, and a hard spanking ensued. Soon, she found herself sobbing as her mother’s firm hand landed upon her bare bottom. Through her tears and snot she promised not to do it again. As Mom spanked Kitty’s bare bottom, tears streamed down her face as she promised to never turn on the TV at such a late hour. Once Kitty’s mom was certain that her daughter had leaned her lesson, she was marched to a hard wooden chair and made to place her sore bare bottom upon it. Kitty could not quell the sobs and snot emanating from her face as she did her best to rub the pain from her very sore bottom.
2: The Lost Shoes
Kitty Catherine was sent to a very exclusive private school by her parents with the promise of admission to the University of her Choice upon graduation. The school was insistent on proper comportment. One of their main rules was the strict adherence to the dress code.
One day, Kitty’s mom got a call from a teacher at the school, indicating that Kitty was wearing tennis shoes on campus and not the regulation school shoes. The teacher in question made the call out of concern, as rebellious girls often lost favor with the school and would be asked to leave.
Date: August 22, 2020
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