Lilly mentioned to me she had a local girl named Haven, which could learn about life with disciplinary spankings. She is only twenty years old and ‘life lessons’ going forward and for things from her past are necessary to make her a more balanced young lady. She agreed!
I covered a part of her life that was described pretty much as ‘alcohol and boy crazy’. She is given a good, hard, bottom-bruising, spanking on her bare bottom. You will adore this girl!
Thanks LILLY!
Nothing sells St Paddy’s Day like an alabaster bottom being blistered with paddles ( That’s my story… I’m stickin’ to it ) Haven bit off more than she could chew with her brazen attitude when Lilly sent her to us. it is the day afterwards where you see your effect. She cried to me about how sore her bottom was the next day… My job there was done… NOT JUST YET THOUGH!
For those jean-lovers, Haven is strapped hard over her jeans until I pull them down, to blister her already swollen and sore bottom. Haven is a nurse…and needed one when this was over!
Taken over my knee, our naughty redhead is given a hard paddling and tawsing! I pull down her jeans and blister her with that tawse and paddle on her crimson and swollen cheeks! A great view of her on her knees thinking about what a real spanking was , is icing on top of a RED VELVET cake.
Date: August 22, 2020
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