Ashley has been a very irresponsible girl. She should know, by now, when not to call step-daddy to come and pick her up until she is actually ready. Added to that, he can only fit four passengers in the car. This has been made perfectly clear to her on many occasions. So what did she do this evening? She calls him and makes him wait an hour for her and the 6 friends with her that she has offered a ride home. This is not the first time either she has done this. This makes him very upset with her. When they get home… it is right over his lap, still in her scouting uniform, for a good old fashioned spanking. This time her white panties are pulled down and she protests in sheer embarrassment, but it is too late for modesty. She receives a sound, bare bottom hand spanking as well as the much-hated leather paddle that has poor Ashley yelping out in pain. Then she is left in the corner to think about her misbehavior, panties still down, as she rubs her sore, aching red bottom.
Date: February 26, 2022
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